Category : Electronics

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What Are Welded Boxes? Why Do People Use Them?

Fully welded boxes are made from sheet metal. They are all-welded, and their seams are hidden. These types of boxes are used for a variety of applications. These custom box-style cases can be made in a variety of materials and configurations to meet the needs of each customer. Fully welded boxes are also known as

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How Electronics can Help Medical Professionals?

The big question about electronics is, are they improving healthcare? With the introduction of smart wearable tech, it’s a possibility. With the discovery of an interface between human brain and silicon chip, electronics have revolutionized the medical industry. Following, we are going to take a deep look Forge Connection There are some devices that make

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Is It Possible to Connect the Human Mind with Electronics?

Finding a way for a computer and brain to connect direct seemed impossible, and remained a dream. The popular media only made people crazy for it. A wireless transmitter that will replace amputated limps with prosthetic ones. There are a lot of people use wireless brain computer. After a decade of research, there are a

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